'One Summer's Day'Group Exhibition of Diego and Snipe1

The season of sunshine, L+/ Lucie Chang Fine Arts is going to launch 'One Summer's Day' this Saturday. In the pop-up show, we will showcase fresh new works from street art pioneer Snipe1 and emerging star Diego. In Tokyo, the two artists have undergone a period of calmness due to the pandemic in the past months. They engaged mixed feelings into their new series of works for the viewers to experience in the eyes of the two young prominent street artists from Japan.
在陽光的季節,L+/ Lucie Chang Fine Arts 將在本週六推出「一個夏日」展覽。此次快閃展覽將展示街頭藝術先驅 Snipe1 和街頭藝術新星 Diego 的最新作品。 在東京,由於過去幾個月的疲情,兩位藝術家經歷了一段時間的沉澱。他們在最新系列的作品中融入了這段時間經歷的不同感受,讓觀眾從兩位來自日本的年輕街頭藝術家的眼中體驗這一切。