Lucie Chang Fine Arts is honored to present a group show "Reflect · Trace · Glance" consists of artists BIEN (Japan), Fu Bin (China) and Matsushita Tohru (Japan). The three artists, from China and Japan respectively, interpret the same material, wood, with different approaches. This exhibition is a dialogue among the three artists on making art with wood.
Inspired by Tokyo street culture and animation, BIEN breaks contemporary images into random lines and palettes of shiny colors. Weird shapes that are formed by his lines, at once, become a new form. Matsushita Tohru applies chemical paints and electrical currents to create artworks in an automated way. Matsushita's art is full of randomness and repetition, in response to his understanding of art: art is not only a finished product but also a process of creation and engagement. Fu Bin's wood board creation omits the traditional reproduction of general printmaking, but directly engrave and paint on the wood. He put the organic glass frame on top of the artworks. This created an entirely new expression of conventional printmaking.
今夏之初,Lucie Chang Fine Arts 舉辦「光 ‧ 線‧ 刻」,將展出 BIEN(日本),付斌(中國)與松 下徹(日本)的作品。同樣以木板作為創作媒介,這三位分別來自中國和日本的藝術家卻以不 同的方法創作藝術,而此次展覽也成為三位不同背景的藝術家作品的一次對話。
受日本的街頭文化和動漫文化所影響,BIEN 運用隨機的線條和亮麗的色塊拆解當代的影像。 BIEN 手下的線條是他對動漫影像的零碎想像。 如此,不規則的裂痕出現在他的木版畫上,同時, 他以電流製造隨機的線條和形狀。松下徹的藝術充滿隨機和重覆,這回應了他對藝術的理解: 藝術不只是一件成品,而是造物和其參與的過程。付斌的木版創作省略一般版畫創作的可複制 性,而直接地在木上以刀刻和上色,從而形成了一種與傳統木版畫不盡相同的藝術表現。
藝術家 Artists:
BIEN (日本 Japan), 付斌 Fu Bin (中國 China), 松下徹 Matsushita Tohru (日本Japan)
展期 Date:2019.04.25 - 05.31
時間 Opening Hours:星期二至日 Tuesday – Sunday, 10:00 - 19:00

BIEN, House Sitting, 80 × 80 × 50 cm, Sticker sheet on wood panel, 2019

Matsushita Tohru, 33 cuts, 75 × 56 × 65 cm, Acrylic paint on wood panel, 2019

Fu Bin, The Series of Parallel Lines. Series 23, Mixed media on wood panel, 30 x 100 cm, 2014