Ray: Solo Exhibition of Morgan Xinmo Wu
You are cordially invited to Ray of Light: Morgan Xinmo Wu Solo Exhibition.
The exhibition presents Ray series by the artist and two recent pieces from her renowned Jellyfish Series, all made in the past two years. Continuously centering her aesthetic approach, the new works stand out in a much larger scale and inviting color palettes and one installation (Ray No.6) is arranged with a meticulous application of thinly painted multi-directional, space-searching trailing tentacles.
Wu’s canvases verge on representation – of photographic effects, landscapes, and abstract indications – while also appearing to be in a state of subtle flux. The works draw on a wide range of cultural and aesthetic references, echoing our fascination with repeated patterns and dynamic color groups that can be found in both the manmade and oceanic world.
Supported by the charitable organization Save the Children, a workshop and artist talk is scheduled in the gallery on June 2nd, 2018, with all profits contributed towards the support of children in developing countries.
Lucie Chang Fine Arts誠摯邀請您參與藝術家吳欣默的首次香港個展「光生物」,將在Lucie Chang Fine Arts的上環畫廊盛大開幕。
此次展覽將展出吳欣默一系列的新作品「光生物」,以及她具有標誌性作品的意象「水母」。除了延續其一貫的美學筆觸,此次展出的作品更在規模大小,色彩絢麗程度上有著與以往不同的藝術探索。屆時,會場將展覽藝術家的裝置藝術作品:四連張「光 生物6號」,該作品以其細緻多維度的筆觸,描繪出神似相機連拍效果的動態水母,使觀者在觀賞同時體悟到與水母一同遊走的時間與空間。
在展覽期間,吳將與慈善組織Save the Children合作,於2018年6月2日在Lucie Chang Fine Arts 舉行藝術家講座和兒童繪畫工作坊。屆時所有工作坊收入將捐贈給發展地區兒童。
Opening Night: 31 May 2018 Thursday 6:30 pm
Workshop Event & Artist Talk: 2 June 2018 Saturday
Exhibition Period: 31 May 2018 - 30 June 2018
Venue: Lucie Chang Fine Arts, No. 26, Tai Ping Shan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Selected Artworks

Ray No.9
Oil on Canvas
50cm (D)

Ray No.2
Oil on Canvas
120x120 cm
Ray No.8
Oil on Canvas
80cm (D)