Old Master Q · Blossoms Under The Moon/ Wong Chak Solo Exhibition
September 27 – November 25, 2023

Lucie Chang Fine Arts is thrilled to announce the upcoming solo exhibition of Professor Wong Chak Joseph, the author of the legendary art comics series “Old Master Q” this September. Just like a family reunion on a moonlit night, the characters of "Old Master Q" will return to Hong Kong after the pandemic and reunite with readers at the exhibition.
In the early 1960s, Alfonso Wong (1925~2017.1) created the comics series “Old Master Q” (OMQ) by using his eldest son’s name Wong Chak as a pseudonym. Under Wong's humor and talent, four to six panel comic strips were created, with each panel titled with a four-character idiom, bringing to life an imaginative story world for readers. The "Old Master Q" series reflects the vitality of Hong Kong's urban life and the diversity of art, becoming the favorite reading material for the old and the young among Chinese for decades. The efforts of 2 generations of Wong Chak (Alfonso and Joseph), with the leading characters: Old Master Q, Big Potato, Mr. Chin, Miss Chan, Old Chow who are familiar to fans have constructed the most familiar humorous memories.
One of the highlights of the exhibition is the display of precious original manuscripts drawn by Alfonso Wong and Joseph Wong. Additionally, Joseph Wong's artistic vision will be showcased through a series of stunning OMQ paintings, where the colorful or black-and-white OMQ characters are brought to life. As the artist expressed, art can take different forms and perspectives. Old Master Q is not just a comic character, but also a source of inspiration for artists.
Professor Joseph Wong is a contemporary artist, second-generation author of “Old Master Q”, and the founder of OMQ Zmedia Ltd. Before creating the OMQ comic with Alfonso Wong, he studied architecture and graduated from the Cranbrook Academy of Art in the United States. Since 1983, he has been teaching Architecture at the University of the Arts (Philadelphia) as the director of the graduate program in Architecture. Before retired form from the Architecture Department, at Shih Chien University, he has been a visiting lecturer and attended forums of universities in Asia, Europe, and the USA. At the same time, he also held solo and joint exhibitions of architecture and art creation in many countries and has been reported by many leading newspapers and magazines.
As an artist, his works were exhibited worldwide and received considerable positive feedback. Old Master Q has transformed into an art brand and entered auction markets such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s. The artist’s early abstract paintings and recent creations of Old Master Q have been invited to art museums and galleries around the globe, such as the series of acrylic paintings, “Implication”. The series of nine paintings all sold out on the first day at Sotheby’s selling exhibition in 2018.
Lucie Chang Fine Arts 欣然宣布著名藝術漫畫系列《老夫子》的二代創作者——王澤教授,將於今年九月舉辦個人展覽。就像家人在月圓之夜團圓一樣,《老夫子》的角色們在經歷疫情後回到香港,準備在展覽中與讀者重聚。
王澤教授是老夫子漫畫的第二代作者、老夫子哈媒體股份有限公司創辦人。畢業於美國克蘭布魯克藝術學院 (Cranbrook Academy of Art)。自1983年任教美國費城藝術大學 (University Of TheArt) 建築系十餘年,期間創建建築研究所並擔任所長,1990 年獲頒終身教職。2016 年從台灣實踐大學建築系退休。這些年間應邀至歐、美、亞洲等多國大學進行演講、建築論壇分享及展覽,也在多國舉辦建築及藝術創作個展與聯展,受到諸多重量級報刊雜誌的報導。
作為一名藝術家,他的作品在各地展出並得到了相當大的正面迴響。《老夫子》已成為一個藝術品牌,進入蘇富比和佳士得等拍賣市場。王澤教授早年的抽象畫及近年來的老夫子創作作品,屢獲邀至各地美術舘和藝術中心展出,如系列壓克力彩畫「弦外之音」— 影子系列,9幅畫作於2018年蘇富比的展售,在開展首日即被收藏一空。