You are cordially invited to KILLED OR BE KILLED, WANTO x NECKFACE Exhibition.
Lucie Chang Fine Arts is pleased to announce the opening of KILLED OR BE KILLED, WANTO x NECKFACE Exhibition, at Lucie Chang Fine Arts. Curated by Hong-Kong graffiti follower, collector Eric Wong, presented by L+, one of the young Lucie Chang Fine Arts’ affiliates, the exhibition and its associated events is the very first complex post graffiti/street art presentation ever housed in the gallery’s Sheung Wan space.
KILLED OR BE KILLED showcases 15 magnificent canvases and paper pieces, including a few rare works established by both legendary writers, moving the street art elements that once described as urban decoration fluidly across alternative media. Both writers will also take over the gallery space with provided blank canvases and street objects. When they pick up cans of spray paints and markers, all surveillance cameras switched off, all gallery staff’s backs turned, the project witnesses the first-ever attempt of a commercial contemporary art gallery breaking into the street art culture while protecting writers from violation and vandalization. The entire “in-house street art movement” will be documented by authorized digital devices and distributed exclusively onto social media channels with an emphasis on the performative nature of writing
我們誠意邀請您參加Lucie Chang Fine Arts與L+最新策畫的WANTO X NECKFACE「殺死或被殺死」 的展覽。Lucie Chang Fine Arts 以器物的收藏起家的畫廊近日來受到街頭藝術文化的影響進而成立L+,L+的出現也反映了藝術市場的改變無疑是一場藝術圈革命性的關鍵,打破以往對於純藝術畫廊的形象,有幸邀請分別從日本和美國來的街頭藝術家WANTO 和NECKFACE,兩位傳奇般的graffiti writer今年七月即將在香港舉行一個爆破性的展覽「殺死或被殺死」。
NECKFACE 以美式塗鴉風格及粗獷的插畫,加上重口味的對白,當中有著血腥猙獰面孔的 「Neck faced」怪物更變是成為了他的標誌。 日本代表WANTO 有著充滿個人色彩的高辨識度的標誌—泡泡字體「W」字母在東京市區內外的街道隨處可見。WANTO於2008年組織了「246」街頭藝術圈,成員來自日本、美國、墨西哥以及台灣 。
兩位街頭傳奇人物,將會碰撞出什麼新穎的視覺震撼?又將如何帶領潮流文化引入藝術趨勢?此次撮合兩位塗鴉界靈魂人物的合作,源自於美國的一趟公路之旅,在旅行的過程當中兩人信手拈來的隨筆塗鴉,這些具有代表性的手稿集結成冊,限量畫冊 將於展覽期間進行發售,記錄著他們如何從美國到日本,將街頭藝術之火燃燒到香港。
Lucie Chang Fine Arts 藉著這次WANTO X NECKFACE「殺死或被殺死」 的展覽重新演繹街頭藝術背後的動機和藝術上的價值。從人行道轉移到畫布,從街頭裡引入畫廊,塗鴉藝術有如巨大的洪流來勢洶洶銳不可擋,如果你追不上這潮流你就只能等著「殺死或被殺死」。
#殺死或被死 #killorbekilled #wanto #neckface #luciechangfinearts #LplusHK #graffiti #246 #hardcore #666 #streetart #hongkong #japan #usa #writer #roadtrip
Opening Night: 13 July 2018 Friday 6 pm
Exhibition Period: 13 July 2018 - 31 August 2018
Venue: Lucie Chang Fine Arts, No. 26, Tai Ping Shan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong