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Franklyn Dzingai

Franklyn Dzingai was born in 1988 in Kwekwe, Zimbabwe.  In 2009 he started his fine art studies at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe Visual Art Studio in Harare and finished in 2011 with a focus on printmaking. 


Franklyn is now an emerging artist working in Harare, who specialises in printmaking. He prefers using cardboard for printing relief using the reductive method. Collage and drawing are often incorporated into his prints. His prints are typically vibrant in colour and ornate in design.  He sources his images from books, magazines, newspapers and family photos. Themes such as social interactions and personal memories are found in his prints.

Franklyn is one of the few artists in Zimbabwe who focuses on printmaking and has perfected the cardboard printing method. This has led him to win many awards at various shows and exhibitions in Harare.


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Hong Kong Exhibitions

Unit C, 12/F, Gee Chang Hong Centre, 65 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong (Wong Chuk Hang MTR Exit A)


Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 6 pm

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